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14 Structures Triply pine wood, paints, plaster, facing bricks, lichens, mosses, epiphytic plants, other plants and living things.
Artistic journey, Artigues-près-Bordeaux Parks, Prismes Residence with Bam Projects & Bordeaux Métropole. Managed by Atelier Heptagone Bègles.
Fourteen architectural structures made of wood and plants, like wild hotspots present in white and deurbanized areas, are attached to remarkable trees, wise among the wise, for their fabulous communicative, community and inter-generational powers. Each sculpture of deliberately open form becomes a bastion, an anchor point connecting an environment and living things, and offers itself as a space of re-connection conducive to exchanges, a symbolic hub of reconciliation. Seven "stations" are placed at the top of the site and seven at the bottom of the route. They become places with a high concentration of biodiversity, enlighten and sharpen our awareness of the living and our place to hold in the face of a damaged nature that must be saved. The treatment of the surfaces made of "stone tone" rendering, facing bricks and other stain is based on that used in the many housing developments adjoining the parks of the town. Outside, plant-patterned paintings, reminiscent of certain wallpapers, accentuate this desire to break with the notions of inside/outside established in traditional homes and invite us to rethink our relationship to space by respecting the space of our cohabitants. This pictorial covering also echoes the shadows cast by the surrounding trees, ephemeral reflections of the present moment. The proposed route is presented in the form of a path of visibility of the living and nature as a whole. It is punctuated by sculptures and ends in a natural sanctuary space ostentatiously showing what must be held sacred in our rather foggy world. The idea is to develop the territory by creating links between nature and culture, between human and non-human, between visible and invisible. It is about creating a certain meditation "here and now", cutting oneself off from any digital or virtual space, to feel "The y-presence", a concrete presence, which allows the exaltation of the place and the moment.
Opening Walk
Prisme Residency:
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