(Installations made of structures with heights, widths, thicknesses, textures, colors and species different woods, mostly poplar. ) , 2016/17.
Rough pieces of wood cut by hand at random or industrially cut more precisely, and assembled, form architectural ar (t) structures organic and enigmatic. Those " Ar (t) chiNatures »Or utopian constructions, are related to biomorphic shapes closer to the sign and the concept than to the very object defined above.
" Nature and architecture balance and reinforce each other in a harmonious way without one imposing on the other ". The different volumes distributed in space, show operating modes of appearance and development inspired by those of nature, which inspires them a certain vitality. These works invite the visitor to live a spatial experience, the passage from inside to outside, between inside and outside, the crossing the border between nature and culture ...
Each " proposal »Occupies the space in a different way, sometimes spreading horizontally like a rhizome, sometimes invading a structure parasitically, sometimes hangs suspended from the ceiling like a Phalaenopsis to a rock.
By introducing the laws which govern the appearance and the evolution of any form resulting from nature and taking into account this potential " natural »In the constructive system of these structures, appearance, dispersal, growth and rhythm, one lets glimpse a renewal, and a profusion of forms half sculptural, half architectural harmonious and reconciled. Biomorphic works no longer considered as perennial, static or immutable but on the contrary driven by the idea of evolution and cycle.