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(Encre de chine,feutre,papier découpé, carton plume-format 65x50cm)2015.
(Encre de chine, feutre, papiers découpés, carton plume-format 65x50cm) 2015.
(Encre de chine, feutre, papier découpé, carton plume-format 65x50cm) 2015.
(Encre de chine, feutre, papiers découpés, carton plume-format 65x50cm) 2015.
Tyranny (India ink on paper 65x50cm) 2014.
Graphics indomitable of nature bubbling imprisoned in white silhouettes which master them now within limits strictly geometric. Metonymy of a diminished nature and indentation, effect accentuated through the highlighting, as in hollow, graphics compared to the silhouette of white paper.
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